1040 Quality Manufacturing Steel
What is 1040 Quality Manufacturing Steel?
Manufacturing steel, also known as unalloyed machine steel and carbon steel, are alloy steels containing approximately 0.20 – 60% carbon. It is also called carbon steel because of the high carbon content it contains. Although the hardening ability of the manufacturing steel increases depending on the amount of carbon it contains, the toughness value decreases. In applications that require higher hardness, unalloyed steels with high carbon content should be preferred.
Since its strength value is low, manufacturing steel is preferred for machine parts that require low strength. It is preferred in products such as manufacturing steel mold parts, machine parts, hooks, which are frequently used in parts such as shafts, pins, gears, gear parts, bolts, axles. They have moderate mechanical abilities according to the amount of carbon. Low alloyed or alloyed steels should be preferred, since manufacturing steel is not sufficient for high strength or thick-section parts. Welding and surface processing ability of fabrication steel is low. It is one of the steels suitable for heat treatment and hardening depending on the amount of carbon. While hardening is applied to low carbon steels, surface hardening can be applied to high carbon steels by flame or induction.
In addition to manufacturing steels of SAE 1030, SAE 1040, SAE 1050, SAE 1060, there are also equivalent qualities such as C30, C40, C50 and C60. Sulfur alloy manufacturing steels are generally used for machining. Sulfur ratio in sulphurous manufacturing steels defined by names such as C30R, C40R, C50R, C60R is 0.020 – 0.035 %.